Labor's Love Lost

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Original Air Date: 
September 02, 2001

Have you ever had one of those moments when you know you really should think about a different line of work?  For Daniel Pink, it was a scorching hot June day in Washington, D.C. when he almost threw up on Al Gore.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, Daniel Pink’s career as a “free agent” – an independent worker.  Also journalist Barbara Ehrenreich shares her stories of life as a waitress, maid, cleaning woman, and Wal-Mart worker.

Barbara Ehrenreich

For her book “Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America,” writer Barbara Ehrenreich worked at a series of minimally paid jobs. Speaking to Anne in 2003, she said was surprised to be both physically exhausted and mentally challenged by “menial” work.

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September 02, 2001
August 31, 2003
Last modified: 
February 28, 2023