Hope On the Air

A colleague of ours – who we haven’t seen in person since last March – sent a message this week that she and her 10-year-old son had a driveway moment as they sat in a parking lot together in their car. 

The show that transfixed them was a part of our re-airing of our three-part Hope series. We are grateful many of you wrote, or called, or left us messages (including poems and movie quotes!) to say it resonated with you, too. One of you shared your hope for your future granddaughters; another found hope in the random seeds you plant every chance you get.

We love hearing from you, whether it’s about a show idea or just how something you heard on TTBOOK made you feel. We make this show for you, and it’s fun for us to picture you, running with earbuds, or in your kitchen as you cook breakfast, or having that TTBOOK driveway moment, wherever that driveway finds you and whenever the spirit strikes.

Our staff have faced many challenges and hard times lately, much like many of you. But we have learned that hope leaps off the page and becomes an active force in our lives, a verb like it was always meant to be. During these times, you realize hope is a collective. You’re not alone.

Thanks for listening. 

–Shannon and Charles