Episode Archives

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Photographers capture heartache and agony. What does it mean for them? And what does it mean for us, those viewing the photos? Do these images create empathy? Compassion? Or something else?Read more


Every person on earth is unique and special, but some people – maybe one in a hundred – are autistic. In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge we get to know a few autistic people with Asperger's Syndrome. We'll hear what it's like to try to live in the world when you have visionary...Read more


After 11 years of isolation in New England, Nathan Zuckerman returns to New York City. Now 71, Zuckerman discovers that a lot has changed. In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, we'll meet Nathan Zuckerman's creator, the renowned novelist, Philip Roth. And we'll find out how both Roth...Read more


DEVO co-founder Mark Mothersbaugh talks about his visual art exhibition, "Myopia," and Joshua Wolf Shenk lays waste to the myth of the lone genius as we explore the creative process.Read more


Would you be surprised to know there are more slaves in the world today than at any other time in human history? An estimated 27 million people live in bondage. On this To the Best of Our Knowledge, the new abolitionists – including a reporter who risked his life to document the global traffic...Read more

an architectural arch

East Meets West

Part One


Is there an irreconcilable conflict between Islam and the West - a “clash of civilizations”?  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge we'll hear prominent Western and Muslim intellectuals debate...Read more


Can science conquer death? It may seem like an absurd question, but some people think it's possible. In this hour of To The Best Of Our Knowledge, we'll meet Aubrey de Grey, a maverick English scientist who's identified seven major kinds of molecular and cellular damage. He thinks we can prevent...Read more

hunter with dogs

Put on your Blaze Orange and your waterproof boots, we're heading into the woods! Hunting is one of the oldest human activities, and despite markets full of food and TV nature specials about a world of oneness among species, hunting remains very popular. In this hour of To the Best of Our...Read more


Imagine a scenario where universes bubble up out of black holes.  Space itself can boil, and humankind may have to fight for survival by building gigantic atom-smashers the length of several star systems.  That future may be closer than you think.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge,...Read more


Wiring the BrainScientists are launching one of the most audacious projects ever conceived:  a detailed map of the human brain, neuron by neron, synapse by synapse.  For some scientists...Read more


As Cuba and the U.S. restore diplomatic relations, what's in store for Americans who want to visit Cuba? And for Cubans wanting more prosperity? Steve Paulson recently traveled to Cuba and brought back new stories about our island neighbor. From diplomacy to culture, we tackle jazz,...Read more


Leon Fleisher was once one of the world’s great pianists.  Then a rare neurological disease left two fingers of his right hand clenched into his palm, and he could play only with his left hand for 37 years.  At 76, Fleisher’s miraculously regained the use of his bad hand and he’s playing...Read more


Racial sensitivity and political tolerance are clearly good, but is it possible to take them too far? This hour, a look at how we talk about touchy subjects -- whether political correctness is about safety or censorship.Read more


Forty years ago the streets of Chicago exploded as police clashed with anti-war protesters at the Democratic National Convention. It's one of the momentous events that defined the Sixties. Or is it? Some historians now say the rise of the conservative movement is what truly made history in the...Read more


Here’s the truth: the wild romance will probably end. Wedding vows, intimacy, heartache… they can have a long shelf-life. But those butterflies in your stomach? Wild libidinal longings? They tend to quiet over time.

So what happens after the romance ends? From passionate marriage, to ...Read more


Andrew Sullivan is not a Republican, but he calls himself a conservative.  He does not believe in using religion to ground political ideals.  But he himself is a person of faith.  And he endorsed John Kerry, although Ronald Reagan is one of his heroes.  In this hour of To the Best of Our...Read more

a man with prosthetic limbs

A fashion model with prosthetic legs… a musician who can’t hear… a writer who can’t see. Instead of disabled, differently-abled, handicapped – why not better-abled?Read more


These days it seems we just can’t get enough of it.  Over the past few years, luxury spending in the United States has been growing four times faster than overall spending.  We’re spending more money on more products and services that we don’t really need – like Evian bottled water and Prada...Read more


It doesn’t get much more American than a waitress in a diner taking your order.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, the diner.  For some, like painter Edward Hopper, the diner is a muse.  For others it’s just a greasy spoon.  But have we romanticized the endless cups of coffee and the...Read more


Film on radio? Why not? This hour, join us LIVE from the historic Orpheum Theatre in Madison, Wisconsin, for a special “Wisconsin Film Festival edition” of To The Best of Our Knowledge for film on radio. We’ll talk Dogme with “Italian for Beginners” director, Lone Scherfig. Also, the anti-...Read more


Do you have a tattoo?  One in five American adults do.  It seems there are tattoo parlors everywhere.  What’s most popular?  Quotes from great works of literature. "So it goes."Read more


You might think that men’s anxiety over baldness is a relatively recent development in the history of civilization.  But it’s not.  The ancient Romans invented the comb-over and paint-on hair, which has since become spray-on hair.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge we’...Read more

Japanese street

American children grow up playing Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh.  As adults, they line up for the latest anime movies and hang out in karaoke bars.  In other words -- Japanese culture is serious business.  So serious that Japan's Prime Minister appointed a "Cool Japan" minister to oversee...Read more


Everybody gets excited about whatever's new, but what about what's really, really old?  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge we commemorate geologic time.  We'll meet the scientists who found the oldest object on Earth - a three point four billion year old zircon!  And the Jazz...Read more
