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"History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies." -- Alexis de TocquevilleRead more


You might think that men’s anxiety over baldness is a relatively recent development in the history of civilization.  But it’s not.  The ancient Romans invented the comb-over and paint-on hair, which has since become spray-on hair.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge we’...Read more

Japanese street

American children grow up playing Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh.  As adults, they line up for the latest anime movies and hang out in karaoke bars.  In other words -- Japanese culture is serious business.  So serious that Japan's Prime Minister appointed a "Cool Japan" minister to oversee...Read more


What if our lives were like DVDs?  What if we had alternative endings to look forward to, instead of death?  We explore our lust for immortality.  And we look at the many alternative endings that Ernest Hemingway wrote for his classic novel, "A Farewell to Arms."

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Ira Glass has helped reinvent storytelling on the radio.  But he says it took him years to learn how to tell a good radio tale.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, Ira Glass ont the art of telling stories.  We’ll also visit The Moth – the mecca of storytelling in New York City.  And...Read more

a statue

Nearly 2500 years ago, Socrates celebrated the pursuit of wisdom, and famously said “the unexamined life is not worth living.”  But does rigorous self examination actually lead to a happy or fulfilled life?  It didn’t seem to work some of history’s most famous philosophers, including...Read more


Siberia is the name for a place we tend to think of as a metaphor as much as a destination on the map. Writer Ian Frazier indulged what he calls his dread Russia love with travels through Siberia, tracing the path of prisoners on their way to lonely exile and through mosquito-ridden swamps at...Read more


What kinds of personal information have you posted online recently?  Your credit card number?   Your mother’s maiden name?   A photo of yourself drinking a beer?   Whatever it is, these details could ruin your career, your marriage, or even your entire future.  In this hour of To the...Read more


Crime may not pay but writing crime fiction does. Just ask the Swedish writer, Henning Mankell. Or those who write "Tartan Noir"...Scottish detective fiction. In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, we'll explore Northern Europe's fictional crime wave. Also, Roger Ebert on film noir.Read more


Any day now, the United States will welcome the three hundred millionth American. He or she may be a new born baby, or someone who comes across the border – legally or illegally.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, we’ll look at America’s changing demographics, and consider the price...Read more


Jonathan Kaplan is a field doctor who travels to war zones around the world.  He treats people who’ve been shot or maimed.  Many of his patients die on the operating table.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge what war looks like from the inside.  Also singer/songwriter Steve Earle...Read more


Imagine a huge corporation running like a well-oiled machine – with no one in charge.  That’s how ant colonies work, with not a single leader among 10,000 members.  How does anything get done?  In this hour of to the Best of Our Knowledge, a look inside a colony of stinging...Read more


We explore the frontiers of brain science, from the neurobiology of emotions to recent discoveries about autism.  Renowned neuroscientists Richard Davidson and V.S. Ramachandran reveal new insights into the brain, and we'll hear the story of one marriage saved by a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome...Read more


America is famously a nation of immigrants, a melting pot of cultures.  And yet, few subjects will be debated as passionately this year as immigration reform.  What are we really talking about, when we argue about immigration?  And, what's it like to be 'fresh off the boat" in a country that...Read more


It’s been described as the Nobel Prize of motion pictures: the coveted Academy Award.  One billion people around the world watch the Oscars on TV every year.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, the history and politics of the Academy Awards.  Is Oscar a white man’s award?  Also, Don...Read more


In the mid-80's the metal band Winger topped the charts with hits like "Seventeen." Then Grunge came along and left bands like Winger in the dust.  Now, Kip Winger is back on top with a new CD that debuted at #1 on the music charts.  Only this time, he's rocking the classical charts....Read more


It's now the most common mental health problem in the world. Anxiety. And the United States is the country with the highest level of anxiety, according to a World Mental Health Survey conducted in 18 countries in 2002. In this hour, award-winning journalist Patricia Pearson talks about her...Read more

an ape

Are humans really unique?  Not as much as we think, says renowned primatologist Frans de Waal.  So what do our ape cousins - chimps & bonobos - think and feel?  Also, the remarkable story of a feral child who lived with monkeys.


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Woody Allen is an Academy Award-winning film-maker and screenwriter, but he's notoriously media-shy. In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, Eric Lax on talking to Woody Allen over 36 years. Also, we'll explore how independent screenplays work.Read more


Elephants mourning their dead.  Chimpanzees dying of grief.  And the everyday joy of a dog at play.  Biologist Marc Bekoff says the evidence is all around us, if we learn how to see it.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, the case for animal emotions.  And we’ll spend some time with a...Read more


Pop culture writer Chuck Klosterman has interviewed some of the biggest names in the celebrity constellation. But getting a celebrity to talk is no easy task. In fact, Klosterman says it's not in the celebrity's best interest to do any interviews at all. In this hour of To the Best of Our...Read more


In the early 1950's two-year-old Jacqueline Henley in New Orleans became darker.  After the neighbors complained, her aunt turned her over to New Orleans authorities.  A black couple wanted to adopt Jacqueline but -- she had the word “white” stamped on her birth certificate.   Next time on To...Read more


Future Perfect: Dreamers, Schemers & Visionaries

Part Three


Our environment is in trouble. It's not hard to imagine global catastrophe as problems like climate change and overpopulation take their toll. But there's always hope...Read more


We’re all seeking something.  What about you? What are you looking for?Read more
