
RR cafe sign

In this show, we explore storyworlds — the fictional universes that continue to enchant us.  Like the ghostly supernatural realm in which Abe Lincoln’s dead son, Willie, finds himself and the surreal Pacific Northwest town of Twin Peaks, the home of some damn fine coffee.

A huddle

Be strong, be tough, don’t cry – boys are bombarded with messages about being a man and the “male code” their whole lives. It's second nature, and also toxic. 

Stills from “The Lottery,” courtesy of Hill & Wang.

Miles Hyman is Shirley Jackson's grandson. He's an artist who specializes in graphic novels and adaptations of classic literature. His latest book has a lot of personal meaning for him.

Why are so many women criticized for "vocal fry"? Anne Strainchamps talks to podcaster Ann Friedman and NPR pioneer Susan Stamberg about critiques of female voices.

Joey Skaggs is a master of the hoax. His elaborate pranks have been fooling media outlets since the 1960s.

A "Good News" newspaper

Mountain climber Warren MacDonald was 32 when his doctors told him he’d spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. It’s not that he didn’t believe them. After all, he’d just lost both his legs. But Warren MacDonald refused to be defeated by the worst news he could ever hear.  He...

Piles and piles of books

With her decision to step down as the chief book critic for the New York Times, Michiko Kakutani sent the book world reeling. In this piece from our archive, authors reflect on the impact of the NYT's' infamous head book critic.

Masculinity is back.  The side of masculinity that stayed home and watched TV during the feminist revolution enjoys “The Man Show” on Comedy Central reveling in beer and babes, while Hooters is a commonplace chain across the country. In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, is the...


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