Our lives have never been more optimized to save us time. But is it all time well spent? Maybe it’s time to embrace inefficiency, argues typewriter collector and philosopher Richard Polt.More
The atom bomb is a literal dangerous idea. But there are other kinds of dangerous ideas — ideas that are contrarian, counterintuitive or just plain unconventional. In Dangerous Ideas, we ask guests to challenge conventional wisdom with a solution to a problem or an interpretation of the world that might seem confusing and scary, but just might also make perfect sense.
Our lives have never been more optimized to save us time. But is it all time well spent? Maybe it’s time to embrace inefficiency, argues typewriter collector and philosopher Richard Polt.More
Philosopher Lars Svendson thinks we shouldn't be stressing about learning to bake sourdough or memorize TikTok dances in quarantine. He thinks we need to learn to be lazy again.More
App Intelligence? Santa Fe Institute president David Krakauer says we're on the verge of abdicating our free will to everyday apps.
Jonathan Gottschall's dangerous idea? Remove the padded gloves from boxers and other fighters. That will reduce the brain damage to fighters.
Listener Bill Lowman's Dangerous Idea? Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) need to be one of the lead agencies to define and defend African humanity.
After spending time with a real-life superhero in Seattle called Phoenix Jones, author Jon Ronson wonders if people like him can actually fight crime.
Journalist Elizabeth Kolbert argues that human vices are just as important as human virtues in shaping evolution.
He’s one of the most frenetically productive, wired guys on the planet, but digital media theorist Douglas Rushkoff is backing away from the clock.