
checkmate in chess
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Original Air Date: 
May 28, 2006

They say his stare could give you ulcers or migraines. It could even drive you crazy. In this hour of To The Best Of Our Knowledge, the greatest chess player ever, Garry Kasparov. His most famous opponent was the IBM supercomputer, Deep Blue. Kasparov shocked the chess world when, at the age of 41, he suddenly retired from chess and went into politics in his native Russia. Also, the chess world’s surprising new star - the NFL’s MVP, Shaun Alexander.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Garry Kasparov may be the greatest chess player who ever lived. He tells Steve Paulson that he retired from the game to enter politics in his native Russia.


Jennifer Shahade is the author of "Chess Bitch: Women in the Ultimate Intellectual Sport." She tells Anne Strainchamps where the title of her book came from. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

David John is a chess Life Master. He went to college on a chess scholarship, but now makes his living as a professional poker player in Las Vegas.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Film critic Roger Ebert talks with Steve Paulson about why chess doesn’t seem to work on the silver screen.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Andreas Dilschneider is the spokesperson for the World Chess Boxing Organization. From Berlin, he tells Anne Strainchamps what they do and why.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

David Edmonds talks with Jim Fleming about Bobby Fischer’s infamous chess match with Boris Spassky for the World Chess Championship in 1972.

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Last modified: 
March 29, 2023