Ways of Seeing

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Original Air Date: 
April 09, 2006

Susan Krieger knew she was losing her sight, but she still didn't want to admit she was going blind. Then one day she stepped off a curb and a car hit her. After that, she took lessons walking with a white cane, and learned how to hear buildings as she passed them. In this hour of To The Best Of Our Knowledge, we'll hear how Susan Krieger lost her sight but found her vision. We'll also talk about different ways of seeing. John Updike describes how he looks at a painting. And we'll hear how some 19th century photos changed our understanding of time.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Susan Krieger tells Jim Fleming how much she can actually see and what sight and vision have come to mean to her.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Novelist Susan Vreeland tells Anne Strainchamps she remembers painting with her grandfather and that she renewed her interest in painting during a bout with cancer.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

John Updike is celebrated as a novelist but is also an essayist and art critic.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Film critic Roger Ebert on the glories of black and white films

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Rebecca Solnit is the author of "River of Shadows," a book about Eadweard Muybridge and his stop-motion photography.

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March 04, 2007
Last modified: 
March 29, 2023