Faking It

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Original Air Date: 
March 13, 2005

Mark Sundeen got an offer he couldn't refuse. A publisher paid him upfront to write a book on bullfighting in Spain. Mark doesn't speak Spanish, knows nothing about bullfighting, and hates to travel, but that didn't stop him from writing the book. He just made the whole thing up. In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, the art of faking it and the philosophy of BS.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Philosopher Harry Frankfurt tells Steve Paulson why "b.s." is a more insidious problem than outright falsehood.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Australian novelist Peter Carey talks with Steve Paulson about "My Life as a Fake," and the peculiar career of the great Australian poet who never existed.

A false bull

Mark Sundeen tells Anne he accepted an advance to write a travel book about bull-fighting in Spain. What he wrote instead was an over-the-top fake documentary.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

MiRi Park is the defending 2004 U.S. and World air guitar champion. She performs for us and tells Steve Paulson what made her the champ.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

William Ian Miller tells Jim Fleming we're all guilty of faking it, and that a little social duplicity isn't necessarily a bad thing.

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March 13, 2005
February 19, 2006
Last modified: 
March 31, 2021