Mapping the Imagination

a world map with pins in it
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Original Air Date: 
December 03, 2006

There are lots of good reasons for belonging to an automobile service club like Triple A, but way down deep, you really only do it for the Trip-Tiks. In this hour of To The Best Of Our Knowledge, maps and the imagination. We'll consider what kind of information belongs on a map - geographical, geological or gastronomical! And well meet the Californian who made it a personal pilgrimage to visit the sites associated with his states visionaries.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Erik Davis, a fifth generation Californian, tells Jim Fleming that geographically and culturally, his state supports diversity and exploration.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Peter Turchi tells Steve Paulson that both map-making and writing place great importance on the empty spaces.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Chitra Divakaruni tells Anne Strainchamps that the events of 9/11 convinced her of the importance of multi-cultural literature for children.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Simon Winchester tells Jim Fleming about the life of William Smith and his struggle to create the world's first geological map.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Madhur Jaffrey, the Julia Child of India, talks with Anne Strainchamps about her extended Indian family.

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Last modified: 
March 29, 2023