
book glasses

Some of the world's most celebrated scientists and artists have been dyslexic.  Cognitive scientist Maryanne Wolf says dyslexia can be a gift, but schools must learn how to teach dyslexics to read.

gas masks

Every good story comes to an end, but in some stories the End is just the beginning. It takes a special kind of writer to create a believable Apocalypse in the pages of a novel, and right now there are a lot of them. In this hour of To The Best Of Our Knowledge, Apocalyptic Fiction – new stories...

woman raises fist

9/11 changed the American psyche. According to some reports, Americans wanted to eat comfort food, like macaroni and cheese, get married and have babies. They wanted leaders - male leaders - who were strong, who could rescue the female victims, like Jessica Lynch. Or did they? In this hour of To...

a California road

It's been fifty years since Jack Kerouac's groundbreaking novel, "On The Road" was published. But there's still a lot we can learn from the book. In this hour of To The Best Of Our Knowledge, John Leland on the lessons of "On The Road" and why Kerouac still matters. Also, Joyce Johnson shares...


When Steve was handed the assignment of interviewing Jorge Luis Borges — but with less than 24 hours to prepare — the opportunity felt like more of a curse than a blessing.

peace sign

When asked what he thought about Western civilization, Gandhi once famously said: I think it's a good idea. Gandhi's form of extreme nonviolence led to the civilized retreat of the British from the Indian sub-continent. But does non-violence still have the right stuff to effect social change in...

pen and paper

William Faulkner, Earnest Hemingway, Virginia Wolfe: they were unknown writers at some point. But, who are the world’s next literary lions? In this hour of To The Best Of Our Knowledge, the young writer. We'll talk with the next generation of novelists about to come into their own. And, a re-...

the slate on a movie set

These days, everybody wants to make a movie. And with today's technology, just about anyone can. In this hour of To The Best Of Our Knowledge, the rise of the indie film. Chris Gore talks about "My Big Fat Independent Movie." And we'll meet a former waitress who spent her life-savings to make a...


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