Religion and Philosophy

the Big Bang in space

How did the universe begin? Science says it all started with the Big Bang, an unimaginable explosion some 15 billion years. Religion sees the mysterious hand of God. Is there room in the cosmos for both?

Jesus the statue

Richard Dawkins may the world's best-known atheist. A renowned biologist, he's now written his atheist manifesto called "The God Delusion." In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge we'll talk with Richard Dawkins about why he thinks belief in God makes no more sense than belief in Thor,...

mary and jesus puppet

The Reduced Shakespeare Company perform an even further abridged version of their theatrical show "The Bible: The Complete Word of God" - abridged.

jesus stained glass window

Karen King tells Anne Strainchamps that there are many early Christian texts that didn't make it into the Bible.


Garry Wills tells Jim Fleming that we know very little about the historical Jesus and that it doesn't matter because faith does not depend on historical facts.

abstract swirls

Renowned biologist E.O. Wilson talks with Steve Paulson about the difficulty of reconciling science and religion.


We talk with E.O. Wilson about the growing rift between science and religion. We'll also get a very different take on religious belief from historian Garry Wills, author of "What Jesus Meant."


What's the big idea? Well, it turns out there are three of them...the soul, Europe and the experiment. Those are the three big ideas that Peter Watson uses to focus his history of ideas. In this hour of To The Best Of Our Knowledge, we'll talk about the history of ideas...from fire to Freud.


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