Politics and History

Boys at school

When Ashanti Branch first started teaching, he noticed that a lot of boys at his school were kind of checked out, absent and not on track to graduate. He decided to push them to take off the "male mask."More

Daniel Schorr

Daniel Schorr, a legend and former senior news analyst for NPR who passed away in 2010, reminds us of the role journalists play in holding their feet to the fire of facts.More

Woman at dusk

Journalist Ariel Levy recounts how quickly everything—your career, marriage, family plans—can come unraveled.More


Robert Leonard, a radio news director in Pella, Iowa, argues that behind all the issues we argue about today there's an even more fundamental divide. Could a 1500-year-old Christian doctrine really have that much effect on lives and politics today?More

Reflection on beach

In a new book called "Born Bad," historian James Boyce argues that the concept of original sin is the foundation of Western thought. More

Original blessing

For theologist Danielle Shroyer, what happened in the Garden of Eden is a story of original blessing. More

Lone tree

Laird Hunt has written what is really three stories wrapped around each other: A famous lynching in Marion, the story of a song about it, “Strange Fruit,” and a new novel, which begins on that terrible day. More

digital and analog, together

Many of us are living two lives – old-school analog and cutting-edge digital. Author David Sax says that’s okay. More

Black Lives Matter sign

Anger can separate us into partisan camps, but it can also inspire people to work together to achieve amazing things. Michael Eric Dyson knows this firsthand.More

Tea Party Flag

Brendan Steinhauser was watching Rick Santelli on Squawk Box, listening to the CNBC editor’s now-legendary rant following the 2009 bailout of the financial sector that ended with his call for a “Chicago Tea Party” outside of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Steinhauser thought it sounded like a good idea.More

Angry person

Psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett runs a lab where she studies emotions and says that if you pay attention, everyday anger can be a source of wisdom.More

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Writer Pankaj Mishra traces the roots of contemporary political rage back to a surprising source: the 18th century Enlightenment.  More

Boy screaming

Could we, as a nation, be addicted to anger? That’s what science fiction writer and astrophysicist David Brin thinks. In fact, he wrote an open letter to addiction researchers and psychologists, asking them to investigate America’s epidemic of self-righteous indignation.More

Women online, under attack

Facing the costs to being a victim of online harassment, where’s the law when you need it?More

Duca V Carlson

A Teen Vogue editor finds herself arguing with Tucker Carlson. And then it gets worse.More


Psychologist Clark McCauley has studied terrorist groups and lone actor extremists for years. He says in many cases, it's not ideology that inspires terrorists — it's social bonds.More

Black hole

Psychedelic drugs show remarkable promise for treating addiction and end-of-life anxiety.More

Esteban Touma

Comedian Esteban Touma reflects on love and marriage, and reveals how squirrels explain the mysteries of evolution.More
