Religion and Philosophy

Spooky train tracks in the woods

Did you know that the U.S. military has a long history of working with psychics to try to discover enemy secrets? We examine this history and take a deep dive into the paranormal.

Torah and jad - exhibits in Big Synagogue Museum, Wlodawa - Poland. (CC BY 2.5)

The story of one famous mathematician’s obsession with the ancient and mystical and numerical world of the Kabbalah, from Shlomo Maital of the podcast "Israel Story."

Crochet hyperbolic plane

For centuries, mathematicians have been looking for the deep design, the mathematical code to explain everything from microorganisms to spacetime. But it’s a dangerous quest.


Psychedelic science is back — and they could help heal people with addictions, PTSD and end-of-life anxiety.

earth from space

Lidia Yuknavitch’s apocalyptic novel “The Book of Joan” is one of the most stunning examples of climate fiction. It’s the story of a near-future where Earth is decimated and the last few survivors are stranded out in space.


Martha Nussbaum may be one of the most well-respected living philosophers in the world today.  She tells Steve Paulson that retribution and payback aren't compatible with true justice.

Philosopher Jason Brennan offers a provocative idea: let's bring back flogging as an alternative to imprisonment.

Cross in the sky

Writer Rod Dreher on how his faith compelled him to return home in search of forgiveness.


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