
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

When evangelical Christians say they talk to God, what do they mean? Anthropologist Tanya Luhrmann wanted to find out, so she spent two years as a participant observer in a Charismatic church, talking to the congregation and even praying herself. She says prayer involves cultivating the imagination. Luhrmann also describes her cross-cultural study of schizophrenics who hear voices.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The celebrated poet Edward Hirsch says the history of poetry is the history of poetic forms. And to prove it he wrote a 700-page compendium about all things poetry.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

AL Kennedy is the author of “On Bullfighting.” She tells Steve Paulson what happens in the ring and tries to explain bullfighting’s primal power and beauty. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Andre Brink is a white South African novelist whose anti-apartheid books inspired Nelson Mandela and became a lightning rod for criticism from the ruling regime.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Anne Fadiman talks about the delight she and her brother took as children with collecting (and killing) butterflies.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Kevin Powers served as a machine gunner in Iraq in 2004 and 2005.   His novel “The Yellow Birds” was a finalist for the  National Book Award.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Aaron was born female and lived the first 29 years of his life as a girl named Sarah. He then went through the hormone and surgical therapies to become male and lives now as a gay man.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Why does this teenager believe that poetry is the literary art most relevant to our lives today?


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