
Choreogapher Bill T. Jones recommends Lawrence Weschler's biography of Robert Irwin, an artist who spent his career attempting to capture the subjectivity of the act of experiencing the world around us.

Stephen Burn recommends David Foster Wallace's critically-acclaimed novel, "Infinite Jest." The book was published 20 years ago, on February 1st, 1996.

"Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace

David Foster Wallace wrote memorably about AA in his famous novel "Infinite Jest." Writer Marshall Boswell reads one of his favorite passages.

Environmentalist Jennifer Jacquet recommends "Last Chance to See" by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine.

The Fencing Master

Nick Bantock bookmarks "The Fencing Master" by Arturo Perez-Reverte.

"Conversation in the Cathedral."

Diplomat and writer Emily Parker say by Peruvian Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa uses fiction to uniquely depict what it actually looks like living day-to-day under a authoritarian regime.


Author Steve Almond recommends "Stoner" by John Williams.

"The King Must Die"

Vikram Chandra reviews “The King Must Die” by Mary Renault.


Street Through Time by Anne Millard
The Blue Sword
Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery
"The Dark Is Rising" by Susan Cooper
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
"White Fang" by Jack London
'The Search For Delicious' By Natalie Babbitt
"When Police Kill" by Franklin Zimring
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