

Eric Liu reviewing “Inventing America” by Gary Wills.

"The Complete Short Stories of James Purdy"

The notorious filmmaker recommends the complete short stories of "one of the greatest―and most underappreciated―writers in America in the latter half of the twentieth century."

Confessions of a Mask

Writer Brendan Koerner reviews Yukio Mishima's classic novel, "Confessions of a Mask."

Absalom, Absalom!

Nic Pizzolatto bookmarks "Absalom, Absalom!" by William Faulkner.

steady state economics

Writer Benjamin Kunkel bookmarks Herman Daly's "Steady-State Economics."

the flame alphabet

Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgaard recommends a chilling read: "The Flame Alphabet" by Ben Marcus.


Eric Jarosinski bookmarks "Mythologies" by Roland Barthes.

USA Trilogy

Kim Stanley Robinson recommends "The Greatest Story of the 1920's That We Have: The U.S.A. Trilogy" by John Dos Passos.


Street Through Time by Anne Millard
The Blue Sword
Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery
"The Dark Is Rising" by Susan Cooper
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
"White Fang" by Jack London
'The Search For Delicious' By Natalie Babbitt
"When Police Kill" by Franklin Zimring
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