We’re in the midst of the largest vaccine rollout of our lives. A turning point, we hope. But it’s complicated — medically, logistically, philosophically.Read more
We’re in the midst of the largest vaccine rollout of our lives. A turning point, we hope. But it’s complicated — medically, logistically, philosophically.Read more
January 16, 2021
If plants are intelligent beings, how should we relate to them? Do they have a place in our moral universe? Should they have rights?Read more
December 19, 2020
What are you doing for the holidays this year? We know we need to keep it small, keep it safe. But maybe we can be creative, too.Read more
November 28, 2020
What do you do when the headlines are freaking you out and the news is making you tense? A lot of people find sports takes their mind off things. It’s like this one worry-free, politics-free zone. Until it isn’t.Read more
November 07, 2020
The pandemic, the protests, the arguments on social media — everything is exhausting. But maybe it doesn’t have to be?Read more
October 24, 2020
Americans are getting ready to vote. But this election is different from other years. What's really on the ballot?Read more
October 17, 2020
New experiences rewire the brain. So after all we’ve been through, are we different? We consider the "COVID brain" in both neuroscience and the arts.Read more
October 10, 2020
We explore the ancient, obscure, occult science and art of alchemy — it turns out to be a lot more relevant to our lives than you’d believe.Read more
September 19, 2020
We surround ourselves with possessions, but at what point do they start to possess us?Read more
September 05, 2020
A new generation of Black farmers are working to reclaim land, hoping to grow justice along with vegetables and plants.Read more
August 22, 2020
When things don't go the way they're supposed to — viruses, star systems, presidents, even fish — why do we so quickly seek order to explain the chaos?Read more
August 08, 2020
Millions of animals migrate every year to a destination they've never seen. How do they do it — and what can we learn from them?Read more
July 25, 2020
Jazz wasn't just born in America. There's an alternative history — a story of colonial empires, grassroots revolutions and the global migration of sound.Read more
July 04, 2020
We take a hard look at how racism infects not only the police, but the entire criminal justice system.Read more
June 20, 2020
How can we, individually and collectively, find meaning in the experience of the coronavirus pandemic?Read more
May 23, 2020
Not everyone has a big yard to stretch out in while sheltering in place. But maybe all you need is a virtual space to call your own.Read more
May 16, 2020
Wherever you live — city or country, East coast, West coast, or in between — we share common, contemplative experiences on our walks outside.Read more
May 09, 2020
In times of crisis, we need music. We look at how far people will go — even under quarantine, during a pandemic — to find ways to make music together.Read more
April 25, 2020
Skin is the living tissue that simultaneously protects us from the world, and lets us feel it. In this episode, the politics, biology, and inner life of your skin.Read more
April 18, 2020
Why do people turn to poetry during troubled times? We saw it after 9/11 and we're seeing it now. When the world seems broken, poetry is often the one kind of language that helps.Read more
April 04, 2020
This week's show comes to you from our kitchens and homes. We’re thinking about the heroic doctors and nurses on the front lines of the pandemic.Read more
March 28, 2020
From Africa to England, to a kamikaze cockpit, and to realms of fantasy. Books aren’t just books. They’re passports.Read more
March 14, 2020
Every night, millions of us turn out the lights hoping and praying for a good night’s sleep. And every night, millions of us lie awake in the dark.Read more
March 07, 2020
Are there new ways to treat depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder? We explore some unconventional treatments for mental illness, including exercise, psychedelics and even horror films.Read more
February 15, 2020